Unknown Network Endpoint Inventory
Unknown network endpoint inventory? WiteSand gives you 360° visibility of all devices and users on the network and their health.
Network inventory poses two challenges:
How can you seamlessly discover all of the devices on the network – IoT or otherwise – without using multiple consoles? How do you monitor the health of your IoT devices, connected or disconnected, when they don’t have the ability to send any alerts?
WiteSand offers full support for multi-vendor environments. With the ability to have complete device inventory, consolidated tooling within one SaaS portal, and ensure secure access to the enterprise network, you’ll experience 360° insights and unparalleled visibility. All monitoring thresholds can be set to your customer requirements.
Our integrated Network Time Machine ensures that IT Operators have a complete view of the infrastructure, regardless of vendor, to accelerate root cause and to support your AIOps strategy.